About the Poems

Sweet Little Black Kitty’s poetry introduces the world to an exciting new talent and a new species of artist – not literary lion, but literary feline. For the first time, we have insight and access to the mind of the enigmatic, inscrutable cat.

A growing number of animals have achieved recognition in the art world. The works of gorilla artists Koko and the late Michael formed the centerpiece of a recent “Interspecies Communication” exhibit. Arizona-based equine painters Blitzen, Tiny, Frog and Shady have had their canvases featured in a “Vincent Van Horse” retrospective. Collaborations between musicians and animals ranging from beluga whales to wolves have yielded rich musical compositions. And the vibrant abstracts created by Lucky, the Colorado Springs Zoo-based artist and African elephant, are much sought after by private collectors.

Now, with her playful verse, Sweet Little Black Kitty elevates interspecies art to a new realm, from the mere representational to the literary.


She has perfected a form of feline haiku, messages as enigmatic as they are profound. Like growing circles from a stone that has disappeared into a deep pool, we are left to contemplate the beautiful disturbances created by paws breaking the surface plane of the keyboard.

This website (and book) contains samples of Sweet Little Black Kitty’s poems, annotated with notes on their creation and interpretations by the author and journalist who “discovered” her, James Wynbrandt.

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